I would like to use my skills of production and design to design logo icons and sneakers for these companies

A) LINK: https://www.glassdoor.com/Salary/NIKE-Salaries-E1699.htm :

I want to work for nike because their items that they sell support the youth to be dream chasers. Not only do they inspire poeple to be more like their idols. they help spread positive awarness about sports. Using my skills of desin i will add logos, colors and other effects to many things. I hope to work here to make a change in this world, a change to a better place wth sports and nike.

B) LINK: https://www.glassdoor.com/Overview/Working-at-Foot-Locker-EI_IE238.11,22.htm :

Footlocker a store that sells sneakers. Yes sneakers there are many details in a sneaker that people are unaware about. such as everyone wears sneakers and so it is an iportant part of our lives. We wear snekers to be comfortable or fasionable. Moreoveer if i were to work for footlocker i will help the company buy using my skills of design to help the company sell more shoes.

C) LINK: https://www.glassdoor.com/Overview/Working-at-StockX-EI_IE1602329.11,17.htm :

Sneaker reselling production designer. Fashion is fun and amazing. People all around the world use fashion to express themselves. I want to help this company design eye catching logos and prints for commericals and other use.