Assignment 6

Subpages: Blog page: I will have a News of new anime that realsed the week of and any new news on acotrs directors and artist.

Contact Page: I will have phone number to customer services and with a email.

Article Page: I will have a page that allows my users to see articles.

Video Page: where the select the show they would like to see.

Wireframe the common elements: tabs to seasons and episiodes.

Graphics and photos: Using my logo desing and lot of color orange as the theme color.

Navigation links and bars: Main page with anime shows after clicking that it will lead to other platform with episodes and season.

Form elements like input fields, select lists, buttons, radio buttons, checkboxes:

SITES NAME: ANIMENOW I will have a orange background with a lighting symbol in the middle of it with a letter A in the middle as the icon and symbol of my website. A for Anime NOW